Following are words in my heart and my mind… just let my hands flow and let the words come out…
How learner learn best?
What is the most important qualities needed for child/ teen/ individual to acquire along the learning process? in development process?
How may an individual acquire the qualities?
Each person have different strength/ weakness/ resources/ potential…
How may a person learn best?
if a child/ teen is “constantly failing” in conventional school, what may the child/ teens/ family do?
Many children/ teens with SEN/ who face significant challenges in schools find support /training from professionals, but how effective are these “services” if the children/ teens are still most of the time “immersed” in the same environment, having the same system of “teaching”/ “routine”/ “assessment”…
In this COVID-19 school suspension period/ summer holiday… may we try… or let the child/ teens try their own way to learn…
and fundamentally,
what is LEARNING?
to me, learning may happen in any places, in different forms…
different people may have different ways, different paces…
learning may be enjoyable, lovely, self-driven…
do we really need to again and again choose ways that are imposing, externally driven, fragmented, “one package fits all” for our beloved child/ teens…?
what would happen if we truly TRUST the child/ teen…
what would happen?
(by the way, have we trust ourselves along the way?… what would you and I do if we truly trust ourselves…if we trust...)
I’m curious, if, if the differences of each child/ teens is being seen, listened and respected… what will happen in one’s learning? in one’s development…one’s life…?
in another way round, what would happen if the differences are not being seen, listened, respected…?
what if there are no “teacher” who “teaches”… but have facilitators that facilitates learning only when needed…
or if there is no adults’ “active interference”…
… trust and let children/ teens have “space” (「空間」)…
… facilitation/ guidance/ support/ presence available… and “show up” when children/ teens self initiate in “asking” for them…
What children/ teens truly needs for learning?
safe, secure environment, atmosphere, relationships, so one may feel free to try and make mistakes… and try again…
to have the freedom to explore… go on “adventure”… create something… do something… with purpose/ meaning from child/ teen’s own perspectives…
… and at the same time knows that… genuinely feels that…
there are someone always here for them when needed… present, be with them… along the way…
there are place always warm and welcoming when they wanted to go… meet others… may be for support/ guidance when needed…
Am I dreaming?…
may be… and many things start from a dream…